Planet Earth.

Sometimes I sit and think,
Think about our planet,
The stars and the moon,
The sun and the clouds,
It just seems that we humans have no concept,
Of how we were made,
Why we're here,
And how to live it right,
Do you really think that God wanted us to have a government,
That he wanted us to get jobs and slave away,
I highly doubt he did,
I want to live,
I want to fly,
And most importantly I want to thrive,
Maybe were wrong though,
Maybe there is no God,
No after life,
No heaven,
No hell,
Just space,
Lots and lots of space,
What happens when we die,
Do we keep reliving our lives over,
Or do we just not exist anymore,
Are there ghosts,
Are there angels,
Is there a way to save your self,
There's planets but no people,
hy would he make empty planets,
Do you see what I am saying,
There's life,
But no instructions,
No one told you to college,
No made you hate your life
It's you and the will to live that makes you now.